Sunday 18 July 2010


People think money controls the world but it's oil that controls the world because currencies are pegged to oil - especially the American dollar. It's oil that gives the US dollar credibility and value. (In fact, most commentators now agree that the true reason for America's invasion of Iraq was because Saddam Hussein was switching Iraq's oil sales out of dollars into euros.)

Our society relies on what oil delivers: fuel, electricity, plastics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, detergents, solvents, candles, carpets and a whole lot more. No other raw material is more important to our economy.
Big Oil companies like BP have more power than the big banks and national governments.

The truth about the "Oil Spill" is now starting to come out. It's a hoax designed to say:"Big Oil is Bad." (Coincidentally, this was the message of this year's biggest Hollywood film Avatar.) But how does "Big Oil is Bad" benefit Big Oil? Answer: by justifying a moratorium on drilling and creating oil scarcity, thus pushing up prices and the oil companies' profits.
Also, "Big Oil Is Bad" is designed to drive people into buying and investing in expensive, barely adequate 'Green Energy' technologies (Solar, Wind, Wave, Thermal) which are largely owned by the Big Oil companies and their banks.
Goldman Sachs and BP are the chief architects of this engineered Green Energy stock market bubble.
Look for record profits posted by Big Oil next year.

So, how do we know the Gulf Oil Spill is a hoax? Let's look at the facts we know.

1. Tony Hayward, the Chief Exec of BP sold 37% of his BP shares three weeks before the 'spill' and Peter Sutherland, ex-chairman of BP (now chairman of Goldman Sachs), sold 48% of the bank's BP shares three weeks before the 'spill'. Barack Obama's hedge fund company, Vanguard, sold 1.5 million shares of BP stock three weeks before the 'spill'.

2. Halliburton, Dick Cheney's oil/war services company (which made billions out of the Iraq war) , purchased Boots and Coots Inc - the biggest oil clean-up company in the gulf - for $240.4 million 8 days before the 'spill'.

3. According to multiple sources, no one in the oil business knew the crew working on the Deepwater Horizon rig.

4. It came out in court testimony that the Deepwater Horizon rig workers were ordered by BP executives not to follow standard safety procedures and to proceed with actions that would cause the rig to explode.

5. After the 'spill', the so-called oil was not burned off, microbial solvents weren't deployed, the well wasn't capped and all international offers of help were refused.

6. Immediately after the 'spill' instead of engineers being sent to Deepwater Horizon and the other rigs in the area, the government sent out SWAT teams. (?)

7. The Gulf of Mexico was declared a 'no fly zone'.

8. Journalists were banned from visiting the area. Those who defied the order were confronted by private military forces and police under the command of BP executives.

9. What BP and the government gave to the media were political posturings (BP is to blame etc.), alarming stories about the 'disaster' threatening wild-life, the coast and the people in Louisiana, Alabama etc., the potential need for martial law and evacuations, and a real-time video of the well-head showing 'oil' bubbling out of the pipe.

10. BP (supposedly against the wishes of the Environmental Protection Agency) began spraying millions of gallons of COREXIT, a lethal chemical compound, on the sea.

So what is really happening? The independent media has discovered several surprising things.

1. The goo coming out of the Deepwater Horison well, and other places on the sea-floor, is not oil. Crude oil is black. The stuff coming up to the surface is brown with patches and streaks of red, yellow and white.

2. Very little oil has shown up on the coast. This small amount of oil, some believe, did not come from the spill but from other rigs in the gulf, or possibly an oil tanker.

3. A significant number of dark brown tar balls have shown up on the beaches.

Explanation: In 2005, a study was made of the Gulf of Mexico that revealed the existence of undersea volcanoes occupying a large teardrop-shaped area about 1/11th the size of the gulf.
The Deepwater Horizon rig drilled 18,000 feet (about 3.5 miles) below the sea-floor into an ASPHALT and MUD VOLCANO.
The enormous pressure - as expected - blew the well-head and did other damage, possibly including the explosion on the rig that killed 11 men.
A flow of asphalt (dark brown), mud (brown), sulphur (yellow), lava (red) and other matter was released from the volcano.

The release of this volcanic material is damaging, temporarily, to wildlife but by no means an environmental disaster - and certainly not an Extinction Level Event, as some of the alarmist media (both corporate and independent) have claimed.
Underwater volcanoes push out material all the time. Ecosystems have evolved that thrive on this material.
The current release of asphalt, lava, mud, sulphur etc. can be stopped by drilling a couple of vents into the volcano and reducing the pressure.

The massive spraying of COREXIT may cause genuine and serious problems. Apparently, Corexit is one molecule away from antifreeze, which kills humans if ingested. Several pundits claim Corexit can be absorbed though the skin. If true, and it is spread by wind and rain over Texas, Florida etc. this will be a major disaster.

It looks increasingly as if this fake oil spill hoax was engineered by BP in collaboration with the White House and federal security services.
What are their motives?

As I said at the beginning of this article, the restriction of drilling does two things to benefit BP, Exxon, Shell, Chevron, Conoco and Total.
1) It puts up oil prices by creating scarcity. This increases oil prices and profits.
2) It hamstrings smaller oil companies, knocking out competition, strengthening the oil cartel, increasing their control of the oil industry and boosting profits.

How does the hoax benefit the US government? Well, what do governments usually want? Answer: more control of the population and more money. This delivers both.
1) Increased oil prices deliver increased tax revenues from gasoline and countless other oil products.
2) Use of COREXIT will cull welfare recipients. The highest concentration of poor people on welfare in the US live in East Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Getting them off the welfare payroll saves money.
3) Emergency evacuation (as demonstrated by the Hurricane Katrina disaster) lets the government seize large amounts of valuable land.
4) The White House has already announced it will use the Hoax to persuade congressmen to pass the Carbon Tax/Cap and Trade scheme (devised by BP and ENRON) that will transfer billions of dollars from the lower and middle classes to the government and the international plutocracy.

Check this link:

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